What Happens If My Debt Goes Into Collections?

By | Debt Relief, Debt Settlement, Reducing Debt, Unsecured Debt | No Comments

What is a Debt Collection Agency and How Does it Work? A debt collection agency can be very persuasive if you’re not cooperating with them. In other words, you’re not making the payments. In this article, we’ll cover what a collection agency is, how to avoid them, and what to do if you’re already with one. Debt collection is when…

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When is Bankruptcy a good option?

By | Bankruptcy, Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief, Debt Settlement, Reducing Debt | No Comments

What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is a legal status. This status has been imposed after a court order if a business or individual fails to repay it’s debts. Indeed, this sounds like something really bad if you are living in America as it affects your reputation and damages your credit rating. Once you’ve filed, applying for and receiving additional credit becomes…

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7 Questions you should ask a debt settlement company

By | Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief, Debt Settlement, Reducing Debt | No Comments

Debt settlement programs are often a good option for people who have crushing debts and wish to avoid bankruptcy at all costs. But, the debt relief industry has been plagued by disreputable companies in the past. When it comes to debt settlement fees, there’s some things all consumers should know. These early companies created a negative reputation for the industry…

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