Are your wages garnished thanks to a past due debt?

By | Bankruptcy, Consumer Credit, debt management, Debt News, Debt Relief, Debt Settlement, Debt to Income, Income, Personal Finance, Reducing Debt | No Comments

Wages garnished are used to repay debts. Wage garnishment is a judgment by the court making it mandatory that a portion of your income be applied to your debt balance. More than 90% of people who are sued by creditors simply do nothing. Of course, this is probably the worst thing you can do when faced with a judgement. Often…

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Budget investing for the younger generation

Budget Investing: How much do I really need to start?

By | Debt News, Investing, Personal Finance, Wealth Building | No Comments

Budget investing is here to stay. Have a few bucks in hand and want to invest? For many of us, we wouldn’t even know where to begin. The traditional thinking is that you need thousands of dollars to begin your investing journey. The fact is, you can start your investment with as little as $50! This is called “Budget Investing”….

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